Benefits for Coaches, Parents & Judoka

Benefits of American Judo Referee Certification Seminar:

  1. Official Certification: Attain official American Judo Referee certification, a prestigious recognition that marks a significant milestone in your Judo journey.
  2. Deepened Understanding: Immerse yourself in a comprehensive exploration of current judo rules, gaining an in-depth understanding that sets you apart as a knowledgeable participant.
  3. Active Engagement: Actively participate in the world of Judo, whether you're an athlete, coach, practitioner, or parent, contributing to the growth and success of the sport.
  4. Community Connection: Connect with a supportive community of fellow participants, experienced referees, and mentors, fostering lasting relationships within the broader Judo community.
  5. Contributing to Judo's Growth: Play a pivotal role in the growth of Judo by becoming a certified referee, ensuring fair play and contributing to the overall success and popularity of the sport.

Why the Seminar is Important:

The American Judo Referee Certification Seminar holds immense importance as it serves as a gateway to excellence in Judo participation and officiating. Attending this seminar is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Elevated Expertise: The seminar provides an opportunity to deepen your knowledge of current judo rules, enhancing your expertise and credibility within the Judo community.
  2. Active Participation: By actively engaging in the seminar, participants contribute to the vibrancy and growth of Judo, fostering a sense of community and shared passion for the sport.
  3. Certification Prestige: Obtaining official American Judo Referee certification is a testament to your commitment and proficiency in Judo, opening doors to new opportunities within the sport.
  4. Building Connections: Connecting with fellow participants, referees, and mentors creates a supportive network, fostering personal and professional growth within the broader Judo community.
  5. Contribution to Fair Play: Becoming a certified referee means actively contributing to the integrity of Judo matches, ensuring fair play and upholding the standards of excellence within the sport.

Participating in the American Judo Referee Certification Seminar is not just a certification process; it's a transformative experience that empowers individuals to play an integral role in the advancement and success of Judo. Join us in embracing this important journey toward excellence in Judo! 

If you have a specific question about this event, please email Riley at [email protected]



  • Online & In Person Particpant Fee 150 USD
    Use this if you have NOT purchased the online AJS Referee Course. **NOTE: A code will be sent to you within 48hrs**
  • In Person Particpant Fee 50 USD
    Use this if you HAVE purchased the online AJS Referee Course. **NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE THIS COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE EVENT**

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